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Tuning in the middle of the pandemic

I've created this page to help answer Tuning questions during the covid 19 emergency. First, I hope all of you are being safe. So much has changed as a result of the lock-downs many of us are experiencing. Where I live "Las Vegas" it has been a day to day monitoring of cases and being on physical "stay at home" mandates. I live on the strip (one block) so the case numbers are high and we are somewhere between phase1 and phase2 in the reopening but certainly looks like we will be in lock-down of some sort for a while to come. 7/23/2020

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Get Tuned!

So much has happened

I've wanted to give an update for some time now but so much has happened that I want to be accurate but also hopeful.

January 16 2021 Harold Cooper lost his battle with Covid. This hit me on several fronts personally and business wise obviously. 

I've been maintaining a presence on Facebook but have put a hold on products until I'm able to get things rolling again. In the meantime I'll do my best to direct you to others who may have used products or extra RT products. thank you 3/20/21


    © 2021 michael green audio

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